Thursday, December 6, 2012

Day 6: the Day for Break

Seriously this is not even a break since I am still writing my 6th blog entry, but I'm also announcing that I won't post blog entry today by publishing a blog entry, so there is a contradiction.

It is very powerful to use contradictions to show some systems that are not self-consistent. To prove whether there are contradictions, the only thing you need is logical deduction, then soon or later you will know it. But once it was being proved that a system is self-consistent or there is no contradiction, then it is a perfect well-functioning system, that's the reason why Riemannian geometry and Hyperbolic geometry are being widely accepted by the whole world even they go against people's intuition.

Riemannian geometry on a sphere. The sum of the angles of a triangle on the sphere is not equal to 180°, which is true for there is no logical contradiction, but it could lead to something that go against intuition. (photo source)
The word for "contradiction" in Chinese means "Spear and Shield" for it was generated by an interesting story. Once there was a man want to sell his spear and shield in the market, "I have the best spear in the world for it can pierce any shield;" he continued, "And I have the best shield in the world for it can resist any spear!" people laughed and ask him: "What would happen if you use your spear to prick your shield?" That's how the word "contradiction" came from in Chinese.
The Chinese word “Spear and Shield” means contradiction. It was generated from an interesting story. (photo source)
Some people think life is full of contradictions, the huge gap between phisical and soul, the jump between existence and nothingness, the differences between to be or not to be (choices)...and so on. But, I insist that the whole world is a perfect well-functioning system, we are confused sometimes just because we still don't find the way to coordinate them.


  1. Hi, Shell Bean.
    I heard the same story in Japanese. It can be from Chinese.
    Your contradiction about blog entry is intersting. You are a great mathematician!! That's why you think the world is a perfect well-functioning system, don't you??

    1. Dear Now Hurray,
      I'm so glad that you have heard about it, I think that is because our culture backgrounds are similar.
      I can't say that I am a mathematician for I am still studying now, but I'll try my best to be one of them:-) and I surely believe that patterns are in everywhere, there must be a reasonable explanation, mathematics could be the way to reach there.
